For Unity 2021.3+ | URP | HDRP | Built-in

Noise Hologram


The Noise Hologram effect applies a generated noise pattern over the body of the mesh.


Basic PBR Properties

  • Base Emission Color Color - Controls the color of the object.
  • Base Emission Texture Texture 2D - Also controls the color of the object. This is multiplied by Base Emission Color.
  • Normal Texture Texture 2D - Used to change the normal vectors on the surface, which influences lighting interactions. May not be noticeable due to the usage of bright emissive light
  • Normal Strength Float - A value between 0 and 1 which controls how strongly the Normal Texture impacts the surface normals.
  • Alpha Clip Threshold Float - Any pixel with an output alpha value below this value is culled entirely. Useful for Dot Matrix holograms.
  • Metallic Float - A value of 0 means the lighting on the surface is like a non-metal (wood, paper, plastic). 1 means it is like metal.
  • Smoothness Float - A value of 0 means the object is completely rough. 1 means it is highly polished and smooth.
  • Ambient Occlusion Float - A value of 0 means no ambient light reaches the object. 1 means the full ambient light reaches the object.


  • Fresnel Color Color - Color of the Fresnel/rim light. Can be different to the Base Emission Color.
  • Fresnel Power Float - The size of the Fresnel/rim. Higher values mean the rim is smaller, but this should be a value above 0.
  • Use Scene Intersections? Boolean - Allow the shader to detect intersections with scene objects?
  • Intersection Power Float - Larger values make the size of the intersection effect smaller.


  • Noise Speed Float - How quickly the noise values scroll to the next value.
  • Noise Scale Float - How large the noise texture is when applied to the object. High values result in static-y noise.
  • Noise Strength Float - How strongly noise values influence the emission output.
  • Noise Color Color - Tint color applied only to the noise values.

Vertex Glitches

  • Use Vertex Glitches? Boolean - When on, vertex glitches will be displayed, and when off, vertex glitches are turned off.
  • Glitch Sensitivity Float - How easy it is for a given vertex to fall under the random threshold and start glitching. Higher values mean a lower chance to glitch. This is a value between 0 and 1 that I recommend keeping very high (above 0.99) unless you want a lot of glitches.
  • Glitch Strength Float - How far glitches vertices extend from their original position along their vertex normal.
  • Glitch Offset Float - A time offset - you can use two materials with identical settings except a different offset, and they won't glitch at the same time.
  • Glitch Frequency Float - How often glitches occur.

Segment Glitches

  • Use Slice Glitches? Boolean - When on, slice glitches will be displayed, and when off, slice glitches are turned off.
  • Slice Width Float - The width, in world space, along the y-axis that the glitch takes up.
  • Slice Speed Float - How quickly the glitch effect scrolls down the object.
  • Slice Frequency Float - How often glitches occur.
  • Slice Jitter Float - A slight random offset which makes it appear as if the glitch jitters. Probably don't set it too high or the shader may flash too rapidly (capped to 0.2 by default).
  • Slice Duration Float - How long a slice glitch event occurs for.
  • Slice Direction Vector 3 - The direction in which all vertices in the glitch are pulled in world space.

Known Issues

There are no known issues at the moment.