As with last weekā€™s filmic effects, we can derive many pleasing postprocessing effects by considering the limitations of camera technology. Last week, we talked about the imperfections of photographic film, and today weā€™ll talk about the issues caused by camera lenses. Lenses work by focusing an incoming image onto a focal point.

Depending on the lens and the construction of the camera, a phenomenon called vignetting can occur where the field-of-view is restricted, causing shadows at the edges of the photo. On top of that, different wavelengths of light may not share the same focal point, resulting in different colour channels seemingly separating at the edge of the photo. This is called chromatic aberration, and today weā€™ll look at that alongside vignetting.

Jewellery Photo

Photo by Slavica Panova on Wikimedia Commons


Vignetting is the reduction of brightness at the edges of a photo - itā€™s usually most intense at the corners. It can appear for several reasons - the Wikipedia entry gives a good breakdown of the main causes - and itā€™s generally considered either a nuisance or an artistic choice, depending on your outlook. Today, weā€™re artists.

This effect isnā€™t too difficult to recreate. We need to calculate some metric to determine how close to the edges a pixel is. Weā€™ll also need a property to control the overall strength of the effect, and another to control how smooth it is - how fast the effect goes from maximum to minimum vignetting. Letā€™s crack on with a shader to cover all of this.

This shader is available at Resources/Shaders/Vignette.shader. First off, weā€™ll need to fill the Properties block with the variables weā€™ve just described and add them as variables later in the shader.

// In Properties.
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Strength("Strength", Float) = 0.5
_Size("Size", Float) = 0.75
_Falloff("Falloff", Float) = 0.25

// Above fragment shader.
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
uniform float _Strength;
uniform float _Size;
uniform float _Falloff;

Weā€™re using the _Strength property to control the global strength of the effect. The _Size property will control how far from the edge the effect will start, and the _Falloff property controls how far the vignette will spread towards the centre - the higher it is, the further the vignette will crawl and the softer it will be. Letā€™s start off the fragment shader.

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
    fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);


    return col;

The skeleton of the fragment shader begins with sampling _MainTex. We wonā€™t be messing with UVs while sampling in the vignette shader. Next, we must calculate how far from the centre the pixel is.

float dist = distance(i.uv, float2(0.5f, 0.5f));

The distance function calculates the magnitude of the vector between two points. In our case, weā€™re comparing the UV coordinate of the pixel with (0.5, 0.5) - the centre of the image. This means the distance will be equal to half the square root of two in the corners, and that our vignette will get squashed into a non-circular ellipsoid for non-square rectangular images.

Now weā€™ll determine how strong the vignette effect should be at this pixel. The further away from the centre, the stronger it should be, with a falloff. For this, weā€™ll use the smoothstep function. Weā€™ve talked about alternative interpolation techniques on this site before, but to remind you, smoothstep is a non-linear interpolation curve that ā€˜speeds upā€™ towards the middle.

float vignette = smoothstep(_Size, _Size - _Falloff, dist);
vignette = lerp(1.0f, vignette, _Strength);

On the first line of code weā€™re saying the vignette should be at its strongest at a distance of _Size from the centre, and it should gradually get weaker as you head towards the centre, until you are a distance of _Falloff away from the strongest point. Weā€™re using the actual distance from the centre, dist, as the third parameter.

The second line of code is there to control the maximum darkness of the vignette effect - we canā€™t just multiply the final vignette value by _Strength because this will affect non-vignetted pixels in the centre of the screen. By lerping between 1.0 and the vignette value from the previous line of code, weā€™ll scale the amount of darkness in the vignetted pixels only.

Finally, weā€™ll combine the vignette values with the original texture sample. For this, we can use the saturate function, which clamps the value between 0.0 and 1.0.

col = saturate(col * vignette);

We should have a nice vignette effect now. Letā€™s see the script that controls the effect. Itā€™s found in Scripts/Image Effects/VignetteEffect.cs.

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Image Effects Ultra/Vignette", order = 1)]
public class VignetteEffect : BaseEffect
    private float strength = 0.5f;

    private float size = 0.75f;

    private float falloff = 0.25f;

    // Find the Vignette shader source.
    public override void OnCreate()
        baseMaterial = new Material(Resources.Load<Shader>("Shaders/Vignette"));
        baseMaterial.SetFloat("_Strength", strength);
        baseMaterial.SetFloat("_Size", size);
        baseMaterial.SetFloat("_Falloff", falloff);

    public override void Render(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dst)
        Graphics.Blit(src, dst, baseMaterial);

Weā€™re exposing strength, size and falloff variables and then setting them on our material to link them to the _Strength, _Size and _Falloff shader properties in the OnCreate method. Then, the Render method performs a Graphics.Blit to run the vignette as a postprocessing effect.

Iā€™ve created two examples of the vignette effect inside the Effects folder - theyā€™re named Vignette.asset and VignetteStrong.asset. The former offers a very slight darkening effect at the corners, while the latter produces a much more obvious effect. Letā€™s see what the strong version looks like in practice.

Vignette Effect

A value of somewhere around 0.7 to 0.8 tends to work well for the _Size property, somewhere around 0.25 for the _Falloff property produces a smooth falloff and the value of _Strength depends on how intense youā€™d like the effect but I found that approximately 0.5 worked well.

Chromatic Aberration

Now letā€™s get into the meat of this tutorial. Earlier we talked about the way some lenses focus different wavelengths of light more or less strongly than others, and how this can produce coloured artefacts at the edges and corners of an image; thatā€™s chromatic aberration. A typical human eye picks up colour in the red, green and blue parts of the visible light spectrum, so we will treat our image as three separate channels of light and subtly move the channels outwards towards the edges or inwards towards the centre depending on which channel weā€™re moving, and depending on the desired strength of the effect.

Letā€™s look at the shader for this effect, found at Resources/Shaders/ChromaticAberration.shader. Weā€™ll start off with the Properties block, which will contain the same four properties as the Vignette shader.

// In Properties.
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
_Strength("Strength", Float) = 0.05
_Size("Size", Float) = 0.75
_Falloff("Falloff", Float) = 0.25

// Above fragment shader.
uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
uniform float _Strength;
uniform float _Size;
uniform float _Falloff;

Letā€™s move to the fragment shader. Weā€™re going to carry out a similar process to the Vignette shader in order to calculate how far from the centre the pixel is. Instead of multiplying that value by the sampled colour, weā€™ll use it to determine how much we wish to separate each colour channel.

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
    float2 fromCenter = i.uv - float2(0.5f, 0.5f);
    float dist = length(fromCenter);
    float vignette = 1.0f - smoothstep(_Size, _Size - _Falloff, dist);


The calculation is slightly different here. The value of dist is the same as in the Vignette shader, but weā€™re storing the value of fromCenter for use later in the shader. The distance function, which we used previously, does the same thing as subtracting one vector from the other and calculating the resultā€™s length. Then, while calculating the vignette value, we subtract the result of smoothstep from 1.0; whereas in the Vignette shader we wanted a white centre with black edges, in the Chromatic Aberration shader we want a black centre surrounded by white edges. This is because weā€™re going to multiply the fromCenter value by the vignette value, then multiply by _Strength to obtain an offset value, like this:

float rOffset = fromCenter * vignette * _Strength;

But what will this offset be used for? Recall that weā€™re going to treat this image as three separate colour channels. In order to do that, weā€™ll need to sample the image three times and pull only the red values from one, green for the second and blue for the third. Weā€™re going to offset the red and blue channels - the two extremes of the visible colour spectrum - by sampling with different UV coordinates for each channel. Thatā€™s why it was important to preserve the value of fromCentre - weā€™re going to sample slightly outwards from the centre for the red channel, and slightly inwards for the blue channel. For the green channel, weā€™ll sample using the base UVs.

float rOffset = fromCenter * vignette * _Strength;
float r = dot(tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + rOffset), float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

float g = dot(tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv), float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

float bOffset = -rOffset;
float b = dot(tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv + bOffset), float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

For each texture sample, weā€™re using the dot product to retrieve the value for only one colour channel. The final step is to combine all three channels into a single vector.

return fixed4(r, g, b, 1.0f);

Chromatic Aberration

You should be able to see the effect most strongly on the left-hand side of this screenshot (you may have to view it in a separate tab). The effect is subtle - and chromatic aberration is definitely an effect to use sparingly if you opt to add it to your scenes. The above screenshot was taken using the ChromaticAberration.asset effect attached to the camera. Stronger aberration effects are useful if youā€™re going for something like a glitch effect, in which aberration could be combined with other effects. Stronger chromatic aberration looks like this:

Strong Aberration

For funsies, I also included an effect inside the Effects folder called VignetteAberration.asset, which combines both effects.

Vignette Aberration


Camera lenses arenā€™t perfect. Sometimes, the mechanical design of the camera or the natural falloff of light can cause darkness artefacts on the edges and corners of the image, called vignetting. And other times, the lenses might focus different wavelengths of light more or less strongly than others, resulting in chromatic aberration - the separation of colour information.

Weā€™re going to take a short break for this series during December to make way for a brand new series! But watch this space - there will be more tutorials in the Ultra Effects series in the future!


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This tutorial series uses the following asset packs - available on the Unity Asset Store:

Forest - Low Poly Toon Battle Arena / Tower Defense Pack AurynSky

$20 Backers

Special thanks to my $20 backers:

  • Gemma Louise Ilett